Are you juggling working from home while remote-schooling your children? Then you need to read these helpful tips.
Thousands of school children from prep to year 10 across Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire returned to remote learning this week, amid the COVID-19 lockdown.
Dr Anamika Devi from RMIT University is sharing her tips to help you get through this difficult time and stay sane.
Maintain a routine for young children and yourself
Dr Devi says that setting up a routine for daily activities can regulate your body clock, minimise frustration and keep you organised.
“In this unpredictable situation, planning our time in such a way means we can focus on children’s activities as well as fulfil our work commitments.
“Following a set routine can minimise stress and anxiety for parents and their children, while promoting organisation and enjoyment of learning moments at home. Children should have a clear picture of what the day may look like and what activities they are going to finish – just like they would in the classroom.”
Dr Anamika Devi from RMIT University
It’s okay to play
Playing is a fun but vital activity, which helps children reduce distress while learning new things from their surroundings.
“Children perceive real experiences by engaging in imaginative worlds. For example, by pretending to be a doctor and a patient, they try to understand these real-life roles through their imaginations. Playing with puzzles, blocks, musical instruments and using recycled items for building any construction could be appropriate for young children.
Dr Anamika Devi from RMIT University
“For older kids, try creating longer projects that teach a lesson while giving a sense of accomplishment.
Dr Devi adds, the classic papier-mâché volcano is great for this; it keeps children active and creative while teaching them about our world. These projects also support children’s holistic development and improves their self-learning capabilities.”
Make wellbeing of your children and yourself the top priority
It’s important to realise we can’t achieve everything; managing expectations can reduce our stress and tension.
“Don’t feel guilty if you can’t give your children enough of your time or activities. Rather, communicate with teachers and other parents to learn about alternative techniques and arrangements. This will assist with being flexible with children’s routines and thinking realistically of a way of managing workloads during this unexpected time.
Dr Anamika Devi from RMIT University
“If both parents are working from home, then having a mutual understanding among all family members is vital. It is impossible to juggle everything; rather, we should think about cutting out some of the extra workload for the wellbeing of all family members.”
Create a space for family time
Creating a family space by sharing time, even just to enjoy a movie together, can boost our mood and give us the energy to finish work commitments.
“In our free time, we should enjoy moments with children without the pressure of achievement or learning goals. But it’s also important for parents to talk to their children about the coronavirus, by creating a safe family space where concerns can be shared.
Dr Anamika Devi from RMIT University
“Young children can experience anxiety and stress more than adults as they are seeing news on TV or hearing updates from other people but with perhaps less understanding about the practical situation. We need to allow them to express their feelings and welcome them to open a discussion.
Dr Devi added, “Having a conversation and relating the current situation in a positive way to children could minimise their anxiety and stress, even ours as well. If we view the situation positively, plan accordingly, follow the routine, maintain a flexible attitude and focus on our wellbeing, we’ll be in a better mindset to enjoy this time spent with children at home during this pandemic and even once it’s over.”
Dr Anamika Devi is a Lecturer in Early Childhood Education in the School of Education at RMIT University. She has more than eight years’ teaching and industry experience in early childhood education. Devi is a member of Early Childhood Australia.
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