Soon the plastic bags you see in your LEGO boxes will be a thing of the past! The LEGO Group is currently testing new paper bags that are more sustainable and can be recycled!
LEGO® bricks are designed to be reused and handed down through generations, but LEGO boxes and other packaging are often disposed of quickly.
LEGO shared, “Some of our packaging contains single-use disposable plastic, which today, isn’t sustainable or in some cases able to be recycled. That’s why we’re taking urgent action to make all our packaging sustainable by 2025.”
LEGO has been playing with paper packaging
In a statement LEGO said, “We will begin to test paper bags in our boxes which means goodbye single use plastic and hello recycling bin! First, we will trial paper bags that are made from Forest Stewardship Council certified paper and fully recyclable. They will be designed to help children understand the importance of recycling and ensure they have the best possible play experience. Our new bags will be phased in over a four-year period from 2021.”
Today, approximately 75% of cardboard used to make LEGO boxes comes from recycled material. In addition, all the paper and cardboard used in our products and product packaging is recyclable, sustainably sourced and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®C117818).
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