If you’re looking to complete your Disney+ Ooshies collection, Woolworths are hosting COVID safe swap days THIS WEEKEND at participating Woolworths across Australia.

Shoppers in all states and territories except Victoria will on Saturday have the chance to trade the Disney+ Ooshies characters in a way the supermarket promises will be “Covid safe”.

Regular stores and participating Metro stores will host a swap between 10am to 2pm allow collectors to swap their excess toys with those they missed out on during the promotion.

‘Following a successful trial in South Australia, Woolworths will facilitate a Disney+ Ooshie swap day in more Australian states and territories (excluding Victoria) in a COVIDSafe way,’ a supermarket spokesman said.

Customers can visit Woolworths supermarkets and participating Metro branded stores in NSW, QLD, NT, WA, TAS, and ACT this Saturday between 10am and 2pm for the chance to swap with other collectors to complete their sets.

‘Swap days have historically been an important way to help customers fill the gaps in their collection, but these plans were initially paused due to the COVID-19 community infection rates in many states at the time.

‘However with positive COVID-19 cases continuing to fall across Australia and state borders beginning to open, we’re confident we can apply our learnings from the last six months and implement COVIDSafe measures.

‘I would like to thank all our South Australian customers for adhering to the guidelines and our team members for running a successful swap day last weekend.’

Woolworths will have hygiene and physical distancing measures in place, including team members who will clean Ooshies with alcohol-based spray before they are swapped, social distancing decals directing customers where to queue, QR code check in, and hand sanitiser for customers.

Read more: Clever uses for Disney+ Ooshies

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