A limited number of opportunities to become a “Proud Supporter” of MamaMag are now available!

Sure your business could just run some advertising whenever they like, but becoming a “Proud Supporter” makes you stand out from the crowd.

By supporting MamaMag you are provided the unique opportunity to align yourself with MamaMag and show our readers, and your customers, that you care about us and Australian families. You’ll gain trust and credibility with our readers by showing that you too are leading the way in knowing what Melbourne families need and want.

Being a free magazine we rely on business support to fund us, so our heartfelt thanks go out to the following businesses for supporting us to help support families.






Playgroup Victoria help facilitate groups of parents or caregivers with their babies, toddlers and preschool children who get together regularly for play and social interaction. Every week thousands of self-run community playgroup sessions meet across Victoria. 

Playgroup SA logo with a family of stick figures holding hands








With over 2000 family members attending more than 190 playgroups across South Australia, Playgroup SA offers practical, professional advice and support, training and development including additional needs services, broad insurance coverage, play resources and playgroup workshops, among other services.

Play Matters logo in red and purple






Founded in 1973, Play Matters Australia supports children and families to build relationships, skills, and confidence through play. Play Matters Australia delivers and supports community and facilitated playgroups and is also the home of Sing&Grow Australia, a national, evidence-based music therapy program.




Through MamaMag’s website and magazines we require hundreds of images to bring this to life. Deposit Photos are our fabulous Stock Photography partner, allowing us to always look our best!

Like to know more about becoming a MamaMag support? Get in touch today.