Tiffiny Hall, the well loved personal trainer, author, television personality (remember her on Gladiators and The Biggest Loser) and mum of little Arnold, has released her latest cook book Snack Power which features 225 delicious recipes from her TIFFXO fitness program.

If you’re wanting to lose weight and tone up, it’s important to keep your metabolism firing by enjoying healthy, filling snacks between meals, without being derailed. These chewy oat bars are perfect for both mum and the kids and an easy recipes to get the kids involved in as well.

Makes 6 – Prep 10 min – Cook 20 min


60g unsweetened apple sauce

60ml maple syrup

1 ripe banana, mashed

1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract

160g rolled oats, or quinoa flakes
if gluten free

2 tablespoons chia seeds

100g raspberries


Preheat the oven to 160°C. Line a square 20 cm baking tin with baking paper.

Combine the apple sauce, maple syrup, banana and vanilla in a bowl. Add the oats and chia seeds, and mix to combine.

Gently fold through the raspberries and transfer the mixture to the prepared tin. Press down gently with the back of a spoon to even out and smooth the top.

Bake for 20 minutes then cool completely on a wire rack before cutting into 6 bars.


If you are resistance training and trying to build lean muscle and sculpt your body, I recommend three snacks per day. Choose snacks that contain protein and carbohydrates

Images and text from Snack Power by Tiffiny Hall.
Photography by Brent Parker Jones.
Murdoch Books RRP $32.99.