With so much time at home last year, Aussies have been left re-evaluating if the daily commute and so much time spent away from the family is worth it. New research reveals that over a third (37%) of Aussie working dads are missing out on valuable family time because of their jobs and wish they had a more flexible schedule.

Whether it’s an office job or a trade, set hours, early starts and late nights for dads often mean mums are left to do the running around, school drop-offs and dinner, bath and bed routines. Aussie dads are missing out on quality time with the kids, so turning to franchising could be the key to regaining the balance at home.

The research by Fantastic Services Group reveals that a quarter (25%) of Aussie men are stuck at a desk all day, with almost three-quarters (71%) not happy being an employee for someone else. In addition, on in four (25%) Australian men would love to choose the days and hours that they work. In fact, one in six (16%) Aussie men want to be their own boss but don’t know where to start.

Franchising is an easy first step into starting a business, without the uncertainty and the risk attached to creating a full business from scratch. Owning a franchise is also a ticket out of the nine to-five office grind to a more active workday.

Rune Sovndahl is a dad and franchise expert, and says more and more parents are turning to franchising in order to regain work-life balance at home. Dads in particular are benefiting from home services franchises like lawn mowing, pest control and rubbish removals, allowing them to schedule jobs and plan their days to balance work and family-life.

  • One in three dads wish they had a more flexible working schedule to spend more time with their family and children
  • A quarter of Aussie men are stuck at a desk all day and have a desire to choose the days and hours they work