COVID19 continues to wreak havoc on the lives of many. For 2 years now, Victorians have been in and out of lockdown with major events cancelled and being forced to isolate away from family and friends.

During these 2 years, infertility treatments have been threatened to stop and many peoples cycles have been cancelled. This is a devastating blow to the many people out there experiencing infertility and turning to treatment as a last (or only) resort in order to have a family. 

On 6/1/22, it was again announced that IVF treatments will be cancelled ‘to free up more health resources.

But women are fighting back. In less than 24 hours, a petition calling for IVF treatments to be reinstated in Victoria has become the fastest-growing Australia petition in the last 12 months. 

More than 114,000 people, the majority of them Victorians, have rushed to sign this powerful new petition, begging the Andrews Government to reverse its “devastating” decision to cancel elective IVF treatments due to the Omicron outbreak.

From the petition, started by Victorian woman Kate Ellery:

“Experiencing infertility is considered as stressful as a cancer diagnosis, loss of a family member or going through a divorce. For those of us who have experienced infertility and pregnancy loss, every day we live without a baby in our arms is hard. And now the added stress of not knowing when treatments will be reinstated.

“IVF is NOT a choice. Politicians should NOT be allowed to decide on the timing of anyone’s reproduction.” 

Women in their late 30s/early 40s (or those with low ovarian reserve) do NOT have time to wait to start their family, as their egg quality declines with each passing cycle. The decision is potentially taking away peoples chances of ever having a family and totally changing the trajectory of their lives. This isn’t just about missing out on having a baby, it’s potentially never seeing your toddler walk, never doing a school drop off, having no one to have Christmas lunch with, no one to visit you in the retirement village when you’re grey and old.

For many, IVF is the ONLY option to have a family, so expecting people to ‘just try naturally’ during this time is misinformed and offensive. Australia Country Director, Nic Holas:

“This is the fastest-growing petition we’ve seen in over a year. The powerful comments from thousands of signers reveal what a personal, vitally important issue this is for so many. Hopefully, the Victorian Government will acknowledge this huge outpouring of support.” 

Selected comments by signers of the petition:

“Gone through years of IVF, this is not elective. Every woman has a right to have a child. Don’t take that option or chance away from us. Time is critical!” –  Alicia B

“Having been through this and it almost breaking me, I know 90 days feels like a lifetime and may be the difference between success and not. How it frees up resources is illogical.” – Rachel K

“IVF is not elective, most IVF clinics run separately to hospitals, hospital needs are minimal, why create more setbacks for a process that already has so many setbacks?” – Jessica G

“I am a medical practitioner and am disgusted by the conduct of a government that has already wreaked so much harm on its own people. Enough is enough. This is baseless policy which punishes women seeking children(who will be loved and provided for) after enormous struggle, economic sacrifice and physical discomfort. A complete outrage.” – Mei Ling D

Sign the petition here;