So it’s the middle of Winter and we are all stuck at home with bored and grumpy kids. Don’t worry though mama, there are plenty of things you can do with the kids to get them outside in the fresh air. Just grab your coat, gloves and beanie and step out the backdoor!

  1. Make a scavenger hunt for the kids around the backyard.
  2. Plant a vegetable garden.
  3. Create a magical Fairy garden.
  4. Build a fort with tarps and old blankets/rugs.
  5. Backyard camping is the best!
  6. Roast marshmallows by the firepit.
  7. Build a teepee from branches and garden debris.
  8. Deck out the garden shed into a play zone for craft and those messy slime activities.
  9. Make a time capsule and bury it in the garden.
  10. Build a swing out of an old tyre.