WA Premier, Mark McGowan, has given Santa permission to avoid 14-day quarantine to deliver gifts this Christmas.

After a concerned family wrote to the Premier he wrote back to reassure them he would be doing all he could to make sure Santa was still able to deliver.

“It is very important that Santa delivers presents at Christmas time and I would not do anything to stop him. Santa spreads happiness and cheer all over the world, which is something that we all need this year,” he wrote.

“Santa also has magic powers that I’m sure will help him travel the world safely and in good health.”

While travelers to WA are required to undertake 14 days in hotel quarantine, he admits this would be difficult for Santa, who needs to deliver presents around the world in a single night.

“It is still a long way to go before Christmas but I think we can safely assume that Santa will not be required to do 14 days quarantine while he travels through WA,” he said.

“I will make sure this message is sent to the North Pole so Santa can plan accordingly.”

Good news! Fingers crossed the other states also grant Santa a travel exemption soon. It’s less than 80 days to Christmas.

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