Recycling is not just about separating your rubbish and putting it in different bins. What actually happens with the materials after they have been recycled? A clever Sydney mum has taken recycling to the next level and created HAPPY PLANET TOYS, the first Australian closed loop fun, interactive toys, made from 100% recycled milk bottles.
Miranda Davidson wanted her kids to not only enjoy their bath time but to teach them how to care for the planet where they live and be mindful of how our relationship with the environment impacts our future. Miranda set about on a 2 year journey transforming milk bottles into fun bath toys inspired by some of Australia’s favourite marine creatures found in our very own Great Barrier Reef. Happy Planet Toys are made safe in Melbourne, Australia with a strong sense of purpose and a strong desire to care for the planet and our future generations.
It takes 8 milk bottles to make a full set of Happy Planet Toys and it is not as simple as melting down the plastic and remoulding it into something new. It initially took two years of research and development to understand how the recycled material behaved and to develop a manufacturing process that would ensure the range was created at the highest quality standards, as well as ensuring the all-important safety of the products. Happy Planet Toys use a different, higher-quality plastic, and had to develop their own manufacturing process to create the range.
The current range includes the Reef Express Bath Toy set as well as a Reef Rescue Crew and Octo-buoy Stacking Bath set. Children from 12 months – 4 years are delighting in creating their very own bathtime adventures with Dave the Dolphin, Tilda the Turtle and Barbara the Butterfly Fish. The products are safe to use and will not fill up with water causing issues with mould and nasty stale water getting trapped inside the product. All Happy Planet materials are BPA- free and fully recyclable.
“We not only want to raise awareness about sustainability but deliver exceptional, fun products that are safe for our children and safe for the environment. We are constantly exploring new innovative ways to deliver the best possible products that are not only designed to bring smiles to our children’s faces but a smile to the planet.”
Happy Planet Founder and Owner Miranda Davidson
Happy Planet Toys are available online as well as from selected retailers nationally. Perfect for little ones to enjoy at bathtime, in the pool or at the beach and the ideal addition to bathtime at Grandma and Grandads. Happy Planet Toys are also the perfect birthday gift that will delight both children and parents knowing that they are doing good for the planet.