New research from ING reveals the savings that can be made by doing the weekly grocery shop online, with the average shopper surveyed saying they’re saving $1,369 a year and getting the equivalent of an extra-long weekend in time back.

When compared to heading in-store the research reveals Aussies are buying groceries online to save time (62%), avoid crowds (58%), save money (33%) and limit impulse purchases (31%).

Amy Cunningham, Head of Digital at ING Australia says: “buying your groceries online could be one of the easiest ways to save money. The $1,369 saved by the average shopper may cover two months’ of utility bills or the costs for a year’s worth of swimming lessons for one child.”

“Plus getting an extra-long weekend of time back to spend doing the things that matter most is a real added benefit.”

Online grocery shopping isn’t the only way Aussies are saving, with one in five respondents (22%) currently signed up to a meal kit subscription. The main motivation is to save cash (76%), and on average, Aussies surveyed are saving $1,503 a year by opting for the convenient mealtime deliveries.

“This research shows that Australians are not always paying for convenience, and they could actually be saving as a result of using it. Small changes to how you shop could really save you a lot of money and time,” says Amy Cunningham.

Tips for saving money whilst shopping online

So for those parents ready to save money and get some time back, check out Head of Digital at ING, Amy Cunningham’s tips and tricks for saving money whilst shopping online: 

  1. Get organised – Each week, set time aside to plan out your grocery needs and meals. Doing one shop for the week is a smart way to make sure you’re only buying food that you need and not wasting anything. It also means you’re less likely to pop into the shop every few days and overspend on impulse purchases. 
  2. Stick to a budget – Keep track of your grocery spending through your internet banking or a budget app, then set a grocery budget each month or week based on your personal finances. You’ll need to keep reassessing this month to month to make sure it fits with your lifestyle and budget. 
  3. Don’t shop when you’re hungry – Shopping hungry is a sure-fire way to overspend and buy unnecessary snacks and unhealthy food you’ll regret later. 
  4. Shop around for the best deals – Shopping digitally gives you the chance to compare prices and deals across grocery stores. If you want to try meal kit services or pre-packaged meals, make the most of intro offers or trials to make savings. 
  5. Consider new meal options – There are surprising savings to be made via meal kit or pre prepared meal services that are often overlooked. Not only are these options a great way to save time and are super convenient, but they could also save you cash on your weekly grocery bill and can be a good option for people wanting to make healthier choices.   

This research survey was commissioned by ING and conducted by YouGov between 10-13 January 2022. The nationally representative sample comprises 1,044 Australians in total aged 18+ years distributed throughout Australia and weighted by age, gender and location to reflect
the latest ABS population estimates.