During the Summer, kids are naturally doing things that help with toilet training like playing outside, drinking more and wearing less clothes. And let’s be honest, it is less messy and easier to manage this important milestone while the weather is still warm and kids are happy to be outside.

Toilet training gives children independence and confidence. A child feels more capable when they can do things for themself like getting dressed, eating or using the toilet and many other milestones of childhood.

Signs your child is ready for toilet training include:

  • they can stay dry for a two-hour period
  • they can follow simple instructions
  • they can pull their pants up and down

Some toddlers can even tell you if they have a wet or soiled nappy, or that they want to stop wearing them which are excellent indicators that they are ready. 

If your child is showing signs that they’re ready for toilet training now is a great time to get started.

  1. Warmer days means more time outside

Let your child play outside without their nappy on – with or without undies – where accidents will water the lawn and not your floor!  When your child does wee or poo without their nappy on, they will start to become in tune with their bodily functions. They will feel the sensation of going to the toilet without a nappy on and gradually make the connection between ‘feeling’ and ‘doing’.

Make sure they’re getting enough water and plenty of sunscreen when trying this, especially if there are bare bottoms involved! 

  • Warm weather means less layers

An important step in the toilet training process is whether your child can dress and undress themselves.  Toilet training in the warmer months makes this so much easier when there are less layers to put on and remove.  Shorts are much easier to take off quickly when there is a sudden urge to go rather than jeans or stockings.

  • Accidents will happen but the sun will dry clothes quickly

There will be accidents, especially at the beginning of the toilet training process.  In warmer weather children wear clothes that are lighter in weight. A quick wash and time in the sun will have them dry in no time. 

Remember, as frustrating as it can be, it’s important you don’t make a fuss when accidents occur as it can derail the entire process. You want your child to feel good about themselves and gain confidence.  Take your child to the bathroom, remove the wet clothes, clean their bottom, put on clean clothes and take them back to whatever they were doing.

It’s always a good idea to have plenty of spare undies on hand, clean clothes, and wipes in the bathroom to deal with ‘accidents’ when they happen.

  • Hot weather = more fluids

Warm, sunny days conjure up memories of running under the sprinkler in the back yard, fruit platters, cool drinks and delicious icy poles.  Hydration is key when it comes to toilet training, along with a healthy diet to make sure it’s easier for them to wee and poo. It is recommended that toddlers drink around 1 litre of fluid, preferably water, spread throughout the day. This will keep them well hydrated and will also give them plenty of opportunities to practice using the toilet. 

  • Time

Many families are fortunate to take time off over the warmer months.  If your toddler is ready to begin toilet training, spending several days at home in a row is ideal. 

It is also better to start toilet training when there are no big changes happening in your child’s life, for example going away on holidays, moving house or starting kindergarten. 

Don’t forget to then speak to your child’s childcare centre or kindergarten to make sure they know what you are doing and where your child is at with their toilet training.

Continence Foundation of Australia Nurse Continence Specialist, Merrill McPhee says always give yourself plenty of time when embarking on toilet training.

“I speak to many parents and carers who phone the National Continence Helpline and are very stressed because their child is about to head off to childcare or kindergarten but hasn’t finished toilet training.

Unfortunately, it is not going to happen within a few hours, it can often take weeks or months, so you need to give yourselves plenty of time and be patient.”

Communication is important. Don’t forget to speak to your child’s kindergarten or childcare centre to make sure they know you have started toilet training and how your child is going with it.

Where to get help

The Continence Foundation of Australia has many useful resources to help with your child’s toilet training journey.  The Toileting Skills checklist is a great resource for monitoring your child’s progress as well as the free Easy Guide to Toilet Training booklet that provides practical advice and helpful tips.

The National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66 is staffed by Nurse Continence Specialists who offer free and confidential information, advice and support to people affected by incontinence. They also provide a wide range of continence-related resources and referrals to local services.  The Helpline can also be accessed via the Telephone Interpreter Service on 131 450.  It operates 8am – 8pm AEST, Monday to Friday.