Parents love their children more than anything in the world, but we have to admit they certainly know how to push your buttons.
As a child I think the right to be annoying AF must come in the contract. It also seems to just come naturally to them.
Here are just a few of the things kids do that drive every mum and dad totally crazy!
Things kids do that really bug their parents!
- Lose their favourite toy – constantly
- Wipe their dirty hands on their clean top
- Asking for food, then refusing to eat it
- Waking up FAR too early
- Whinging for something then ignoring you when you give it to them
- Falling asleep at 5pm
- Wanting a special cup/plate then tossing it at you
- Picking their nose and eating it
- Drawing on the furniture
- Cutting chunks out of their hair
- Needing 50 stories and endless water at bedtime
- Telling you a funny story that never ends….
- The made up joke you hear 100 times a day
- Hitting their baby brother
- Ask what’s for dinner then screw their nose up at it
- Leave toys around the house everywhere
- Scream NO 500 times a day
- Lose their drink bottle 1000 times a day
- Leave wet towels and dirty clothes on the bathroom floor
- Forever lose just ONE shoe
- “Watch this trick mum!” on repeat all day
- Always interrupting you on the toilet
- Lose the TV remote
- Learn an annoying instrument
- Tell you they need help with homework as they are heading to bed