Did you know that fruit and vegetables aren’t just good for you, they are also a great natural ingredient to use for various cleaning hacks…
Fruit and vegetables to help clean your home
Cleaning expert and herbalist Pamela Spence tells The Sun: “It might seem strange in these days of chemical power-cleaners but fruit and veg can make even better disinfectants and lovely sprays, too.”
CUCUMBER: Use cucumber to remove crayon marks from walls by rubbing the skin on them. You can also clean your bathroom mirror with cucumber juice, it will prevent your mirror from fogging up next time you have a shower.
ONIONS: Heat an onion and gently rub on the surface of your oven to clean the burn marks. Onions contain enzymes that react with oxygen in the air to create an acid that will help dissolve grease and grime.
LEMON: The citric acid in lemon cuts through grease to leave your bathroom and kitchen surfaces shining. It is also a mild bleach, so make a paste with bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice to scrub surfaces.
WALNUTS: Walnuts are actually an excellent natural polish. The oils in the nut bring the wood to a great shine. Simply rub the walnut all over your wood furnishings, concentrating on any marks, then buff the surface.
BANANA: The inside of banana skin is a great natural polish, too. Try it on the leaves of your house plants. It helps moisturise the leaves and makes them shine.
GRAPEFRUIT: Grape fruit also contains citrus acid and is great for cleaning larger surfaces where a lemon would struggle. Just take half a grapefruit and add sugar, which creates a reaction. Run it around the bath before rinsing off. The fresh, clean scent also makes your bathroom smell amazing.
RHUBARB: Rhubarb contains oxalic acid, which will help leave your pans shiny and clean. If your pots and pans look rusty or dull, leave some rhubarb to simmer in them.
THYME: Thyme is a great disinfectant, you can use it in any spray bottle to create a multi-purpose anti-bacterial cleaner. Add several sprigs to a bottle, top up with vodka and leave to infuse. Add lemon peel and antibacterial herbs such as rosemary and lavender to create a scent.
LIME: Slice a lime and drop the pieces into a bowl of water that has been mixed with a dash of vinegar. Put the bowl into your microwave and heat for five minutes, then carefully remove it. Any mess in the microwave will have been loosened and should wipe away easily. Lemon or orange also works for this cleaning trick.
PEPPERMINT: Deter spiders and other pests with a spray of peppermint – which they hate. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a small spray-cap bottle.
POTATO SKIN: Remove rust from your favourite silverware with the good old potato. The oxalic acid in them is a natural alternative to harsh chemicals found in many cleaning products. Use with baking soda to dissolve rust by loosening the hydrated iron oxides.
ORANGE: The peel of a lemon or orange makes the perfect scented cleaner. Simply add it to a jar of apple cider vinegar, leave for two weeks then strain the liquid into a spray bottle. Use as an all-purpose kitchen spray. The vinegar will help shine your surfaces.
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