Sophie Cachia, known to most as The Young Mummy, shot to social-fame after she became a proud young mum to son Bobby at the age of 23. After becoming quite overwhelmed with the vast amount of information on offer for new mothers, Sophie decided to start documenting her own story and experiences online. Sharing her journey as a young mother was an overnight sensation and today over 235k Instagram lovers follow her journey.
Never one to shy away from the spotlight, in January 2017 Sophie took to Snapchat to document the entire birth of her second child, a baby girl called Florence. And it’s no surprise that little Flossy, as big brother Bobby called her, is now the inspiration behind her latest venture, ‘Fairy Magic for Florence’. Collaborating with Melbourne mum Leah Betts, General Manager of Fairy Magic, an already international brand of fairy dresses, Sophie and Leah have created a special range of fairy dresses to bring magic and luxury into little one’s wardrobes, launched just in time for Flossy’s 1st birthday.
‘Fairy Magic for Florence’ is not a first for Sophie and Leah. The two have been working together for a few years now and are the perfect combo with Leah’s years of experience in the world of textiles and Sophie with her background in journalism, marketing prowess and large following. Fashion has always been something Sophie wanted to get into and when Bobby was born she struggled to find any cool hats for him to wear. “They were all so kitsch and ugly.” So Sophie and Leah joined forces and in 2017 they finally launched Cachia, a brand featuring hats and rash vests for kids as well as adult casual wear, sleep wear, boxer shorts, tshirts and kaftans. Their initial plan was to launch one product a month, but it all took off so quickly this plan was soon fast-forwarded. Sophie’s large social following was paying off with one of their pyjamas selling out in 12 hours, and some sizes selling out in just minutes. Shocked, they described it like selling popular concert tickets!
Once Florence was born Sophie knew she wanted to create a special brand she could share with her little girl in years to come. With such a great working relationship with Leah already, she knew creating a high-end fairy dress range was perfect for Flossy. Leah’s Fairy Magic brand has been supplying fairy dresses to some of Australia’s biggest retail chains for over 23 years, but in the world of retail, buyers are constantly trying to cut costs or use less tulle and thinner fabric. The girls have made the ‘Fairy Magic for Florence’ range special and luxury, but still affordable, an extension of a little girl’s wardrobe that can be worn both as a dress up and as a special outfit. Leah also has a background in early childhood development and understands the importance of imagination for kids aged 2-5. “This is the time learning foundations are built, so let kids be free and have something cute and creative. Our dresses evoke imagination and play.”
Everyone always needs a fairy dress. It’s such a perfect market with a never ending stream of little girls wanting to be princesses.
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