Finding time to exercise with the family does not have to be fancy or take a long time. It is something that can be achieved every day of the week, and whilst it doesn’t always look ‘perfect’ (what even is that anyway?), it is effective, enjoyable and rewarding for all!

Try these four ways to fit in some family-friendly workouts this summer!

Family walks or bike rides

This is one of the most simple ways to get active as a family. Get the kids on their bikes and whilst you walk or run alongside them. Choose a route where you can cut it short if need be and don’t forget to pack the water and snacks #mumlife.

Take it to the park

Parks are a great way to get the whole family active and outdoors. Make the most of the warmer months by taking the kids to one of their (or your) favourite parks and fit in a workout whilst they play.

If there is a park bench or step nearby then try this workout:

  • 20 step ups
  • 15 bench push ups
  • 15 tricep dips
  • 15 seated leg pull ins
  • Complete for 3 – 4 rounds (or as the kids permit!)

Learning to surf or SUP

Stand up paddleboarding is a great form of fun AND fitness that the whole family can enjoy. Red Paddle Co have a fantastic range of inflatable yet durable SUPs, they are super portable so they can go with you anywhere. Not only will you work up a sweat but also soak up your daily dose of vitamin D, improve your balance, fitness and strength all at the same time!

Getting active at home

Sometimes you may have just what you need at home to get a workout in. Only trouble is that the kids can often get in the way or not want to be involved. Try these tips for a successful home workout – aiming to get them involved, but also some ideas to keep them entertained so that you can get your workout in.

  • Keep it simple – get the kids involved by adding in simple movements such as squats, planks, burpees and step ups. This gives them a sense of success and helps make the activity seem more fun – the way kids should view physical activity.
  • Obstacle courses – making or getting them to create their own obstacle course is great for getting the little ones moving but also distracts them whilst you can fit in a few extra uninterrupted reps

Other tips for a successful workout with kids include:

  • Water play – set up a bucket with various funnels, cups or floating toys
  • Chalk – let them go crazy with chalk on the pavement. It keeps them entertained and washes away easily also.
  • Having snacks on hand.
  • Put the sprinkler under the trampoline
  • Try to avoid the use of screens – fresh air and movement for all is a big win!

Do not forget to celebrate your efforts (and theirs) at the end of the activity. Getting active at home or out and about with kids can be challenging, frustrating and tiring – mainly for you! There is no such thing as the perfect workout and any small amount of movement is better than none. Lower your expectation, adapt to the environment, and stay consistent. You are setting a wonderful example for your little ones!

Brooke Turner is an international speaker, writer & educator, nutritionist, exercise scientist and personal trainer with over 11 years’ experience in the health and fitness industry. Brooke is the founder of Balance Fitness and Nutrition and creator of the STRIVE program and Happy, Healthy Pregnancy eGuides. A mum of three, she believes in striving for a balanced approach to health and fitness and is passionate about empowering women to remain active; both safely and effectively and nourish their bodies throughout pregnancy and beyond. Brooke aims to inspire and empower others to see that healthy active living need not be a hindrance but a habit.