With consistent and unexpected lockdowns throwing out our health and fitness routines, Australia’s obesity rate is on the rise.

As the risk of heart disease increases with weight gain, health experts are concerned not enough Australians are showing their bodies enough care during these tough times.

New research reveals one in two (53%) Australians admit to dismissing health advice from a doctor, this comes as 40% of Australians are not worried about their cholesterol, with 32% not ever having their cholesterol levels checked.

With more than a third (38%) of obese Aussies having a family history of heart disease, compared to only one in five (22%) of those with a normal BMI, the Australian Heart Health Report by The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan reveals Aussies are clueless about cholesterol.

“We are seeing a lot of complacency in Australians when it comes to unhealthy eating habits and decreased exercise. This is concerning, as the greater your waistline, the greater the risk to your heart health. Excess weight increases your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even diabetes, which makes heart disease more likely.

Dr. Asma’a Gundru is a General Practitioner with an interest in internal medicine

“For overweight or obese Australians, losing weight provides significant benefit and reduces the risk of developing factors that contribute to heart disease,” says Dr. Gundru.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia, with coronary heart disease accounting for 12% of death in men and 9% in women. Coronary heart disease occurs when a coronary artery clogs because of a build-up of plaque made of fat, cholesterol, and other materials. This reduces the blood flow and vital oxygen required for the heart muscle and a heart attack can occur.

Despite this, 41% of Australians admit to dismissing chest pain, with a quarter (25%) waiting for it to go away on its own and one in five (18%) putting it down to heartburn.

With obesity being a key contributor to poor heart health, this World Heart Day (29 September), The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan is encouraging Australians to visit their GP to check up on their heart health and explore ways to improve their health, before it’s too late.

Read more: Female heart attack: What you need to know ASAP!

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