In times like this, as Melbourne has headed back into lockdown and remote learning, the craft experts at Spotlight have the family covered while everyone is in #DIYsolation once again.

These simple DIY projects can be created with items that you might have stashed in the craft box or laying around the home.

1. Rock painting

Rock painting will keep the kids entertained for hours! You can create your own shapes using a sculpting clay, or use assorted rocks from the garden. Challenge the kids to paint particular patterns, animals, words, the options are endless.


  • ‘Sculpey III’
  • ‘Semco’ craft paint
  • ‘Royal and Langnickel’ Crafters choice paintbrushes
  • Newspaper
  • Oven


Step 1. Preheat oven to 130 degrees.

Step 2. Make rocks using Sculpey clay by rolling sculpey between hands until soft and mouldable. Create rock looking shapes in different colours. Step 3. Place rocks onto baking tray and cover with baking paper. Cook in the oven for 15mins.

Step 4. Once rocks have cooled, paint and decorate using semco paint create nice patterns or quotes.

Step 5. Leave to dry.

Step 6. Swap with friends or leave in a public place such as a park.

2. DIY Streamer Wall

Celebrating a birthday during the next six weeks? This DIY Streamer Wall can be created using items that you’ll probably have stashed away in the craft box. Simply layer multi-coloured streamers across a piece of double sided tape and inflate balloons to assorted sizes, combining in small bunches. Secure to the wall and fill any gaps with more streamers or paper decorations.


  • Coloured streamers
  • Tape
  • String or twine
  • Scissors
  • Honeycomb decorations
  • Balloons
  • Double Sided tape


Step 1 – Cut a piece of string the length of where you want the backdrop to cover and attach to wall with tape. Then cut lengths of different coloured streamers and double the streamer lengths over the piece of string.

Step 2 – Repeat step 1. Layer the second string over the top of the first and stick to the wall to create more layers of streamers.

Step 3 – Add honeycomb decorations and tassels to the wall, again use tape to stick in place.

Step 4 – To finish, add balloons and honeycomb decorations on top to cover the start of the streamers.

3. Mason Jar Terrarium

For teens and adults, this Mason Jar Terrarium DIY is a simple way to spice up your workspace or any part of the home! All you will need is assorted colours of sand, mixed succulents, stones and old/new mason jars to create the perfect plant oasis.


  • ‘Spotlight’ Set of 3 Mason Jars in crate
  • 1 x container of dark natural decor sand
  • 1 x container of light natural decor sand
  • 1 x container of white decor sand
  • 4 x mixed succulents of your choice
  • 1 x small bag of artificial green moss
  • 1 x bag of decor stones


Step 1 – Get creative and fill each Mason jar with sand, stones, and moss to create a cool woodland layered look!

Step 2 – Tip – Make sure you pour the sand first, moss second, then top it all off with a few stones.

Step 3 – Once your creation is completed, pop the three mason jars back into the wooden holder and enjoy!

4. Fruit painted glass jars

Recycle assorted glass jars by creating these cute Fruit Painted Glass Jars that can be used to store stationery or even little faux pot plants. This project just requires acrylic paint, water, masking tape, paint brushes and a black sharpie!


  • Assorted glass jars
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paint brushes (small, medium and large)
  • Water
  • Masking tape
  • Black sharpie
  • Faux greenery


Step 1 – Decide on the colours you wish to paint your jars. We chose blue for the blue berry, yellow for the pineapple, pink for the watermelon, red for the strawberry and green for the kiwi fruit.

Step 2 – Pour paint into the jar, if mixing colours you can do this inside the jar also just pour both paints in and mix until you have reached the colour you desired. Once you are happy with your colour use a regular paint brush and cover the inside of the jar with overlapping strokes to ensure all the glass is covered in paint. Make sure to wipe the edges of you jar clean and leave to dry. If you paint colour is light it may need another coat of paint.

Step 3 – To create the colour blocked bases on the blueberry and watermelon jars use masking tape to section off the part you would like it paint. Make sure the tape is stuck down neatly then using a medium sized paint brush paint your paint across that section ensuring you don’t go over the taped section. Allow the paint to dry, repeat a second coat if the colour isn’t strong enough.

Step 4 – To create the fruit details on the kiwi fruit and strawberry use a smaller sized paint brush and paint on the strawberry leaves at the top of the jar and the kiwi centre. You can either do this free hand or use a sharpie to draw on your pattern first. Again allow the paint to dry before doing a second coat if necessary.

Step 5 – To finish, use a sharpie to draw on decorations on the outside of your jars. Fill with pencils or use faux greenery to decorate your jars!

5. Foam animal skate decks


  • 3x Timber Skate Board Deck
  • Creatology Foam Sheet Packs
  • Hot glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Paint bushes
  • Water to clean brushes


Step 1 – Choose which animals you would like to create on your skate decks. We chose a lion, zebra and tiger.

Step 2 – Begin by painting your skate decks in the colours that match your animals. We used brown for the Lion, white for the Zebra and orange for the Tiger. Use a large paint brush to paint an even coat of the acrylic paint. Allow to dry completely before painting a second coat.

Step 3 – While your skate decks are drying you can begin working on the animal faces. Using a pencil lightly draw the outlines of the animal features onto the foam. For each animal we created a face, mouth, nose, eyes, ears and whiskers/hair, stripes and feet. You can be as creative as you wish in this step or use pictures as inspiration to decide how you want your animals to look.

Step 4 – Once the skate decks are dry and you have all your foam pieces cut out it’s time to assemble your animals. Using a hot glue gun or double-sided tape stick all the foam pieces onto the skate deck and watch your animals come to life!

Step 5 – Display on a wall to finish!

For all the instructions and other great craft ideas visit Spotlight HERE.

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