A new epidemic is emerging in Australia, with parents struggling to find time for themselves, with over half of parents (57%) saying they’re more stressed and anxious at their lack of ‘me time’ than ever before.

New research from Moccona has found that busy parents are getting just 23.3 minutes of time to themselves each day and nearly a quarter of parents (21%) are getting under an hour of me time a week, that’s just over 8 minutes a day!

This lack of me time is having a knock-on effect on parents’ physical and mental wellbeing, with over in half (58%) agreeing that down time is important to their mental health, whilst almost one in four (23%) say they have felt on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

10 tips for boosting your wellbeing

Australian psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg shares his top tips for boosting your wellness and making the most of me-time.

Digi detox for 24 hours


That feeling of always being connected can make it difficult to create boundaries between your home life
and work life. Doing a 24-hour digital detox can help you establish a healthier balance and allow more
time for yourself. Studies have shown that the presence of a phone, even if turned off, creates feelings of
being less connected or listened to. Constant texts and emails also disrupt focus and can lead to tasks
taking longer.

Feel-good screen time

Whilst going digi free from time to time is a great way to unwind, when you do have screen time, make
sure it’s the sort of screen time that makes you feel good. When we watch our favourite show, it relaxes
the mind because we don’t have to think about anything else while watching. Watching movies also
reduces stress hormones like Cortisol that are linked with a number of health issues.

Random acts of kindness

Being kind can go a long way toward improving your emotional wellbeing and is the perfect way to make
the most of your me-time. A 2019 study in The Journal of Social Psychology found that people who
performed kindness activities for seven days saw a boost in happiness. The degree to which their
happiness increased was directly tied to the number of acts of kindness they performed.

Take a warm bath or shower

10 tips for boosting your wellbeing

Not only does a warm bath or shower make the blood flow easier, it also makes it more oxygenated by
allowing you to breathe deeper and slower, particularly when breathing in steam. Taking a hot bath can
also improve immunity and relieve symptoms of that pesky winter cold. So it’s a win-win for me-time
and health.

Read a book with a coffee

Reading books benefits both your physical and mental health, and those benefits can last a lifetime. With
age comes a decline in memory and brain function, but regular reading may help slow the process,
keeping minds sharper longer. Frequent brain exercise has proved to lower mental decline by 32%.

Go for a relaxing walk, jog or run

Doing any physical activity is better than doing none, but we should all aim to be active on most, if not
all, days of the week. The important bit is to spend your me-time doing activity that you actually enjoy
and makes you feel good – whether it’s a walk, run, yoga or weights – find something that works for you.

Listen to your favourite music

Although we can’t be sure exactly when human beings began listening to music, scientists have proven
that listening to music benefits us individually and collectively. The power of music can improve our
physical, mental, and emotional health, plus it’s a super easy and fun way to get some me-time.


Write a thank you card

Research suggests that even months after writing a simple thank you card (or text), people’s brains are
still wired to feel extra thankful. The implication is that gratitude tasks work, at least in part, becausethey have a self-perpetuating nature – the more you practice gratitude, the more attuned you are to it
and the more you can enjoy its psychological benefits.

Learn a new skill

Neurologists tell us that learning a new skill changes the physical structures of the brain. By stimulating
neurons in the brain, more neural pathways are formed; the more pathways that are formed, the faster
impulses can travel. Basically, learning something new gets our brain working hard – plus it’s a great way
to spend our me-time!

Do a simple meditation exercise

Practicing mindfulness consistently can change the way you think, feel, and act—because it can literally
change your brain. Whether it’s doing simple breathing exercises, mindful activity or signing up to a
mediation app, research has shown the benefits are huge on our health. Try it next time you’re looking
to dedicate some time for yourself